Undergraduate Catalog

Student Resources

Undergraduate Catalog



Academic Assistance

Academic Advisement

Triton Advising Center

Location: EC Room 202, English and Communication Building

Tel: (671) 588-1473/8, (671) 735-2290

Email: emsstac@triton.uog.edu 

Website: Click here

The Triton Advising Center guides all undergraduate students in the areas of Academics, Financial Solvency, and Career Exploration. The TAC is able to direct students to academic programs/resources, provide financial aid workshops, and assist in the process of securing internships in conjunction with the Career Development Office.

First-Year Seminar

Courses offered to students: FY-101: First-Year Seminar is a three-credit course required for all entering students with less than 30 credit hours of college coursework. This course is designed to help students get the most out of their academic experience by offering ongoing orientation to university life, academic self-help skills, and career planning.

Disability Support Services

Enrollment Management & Student Success, Student Services
Disability Support Specialist: Sallie S. Sablan

Location: School of Education, Room 110

Tel/TTY: (671) 735-2460

Email: disabilitysupport@triton.uog.edu 

Appointments: https://calendly.com/sssablan 

Website: Click here

The Disability Support Services office provides accommodative services for the needs of students with disabilities to ensure equal access to all institutional programs and services, foster independence, and facilitate self-advocacy. 

Students with disabilities may benefit from commonly offered accommodations that include, but are not limited to:

  • Library assistance
  • Notetakers
  • Readers
  • Academic support centers/tutors (Undergraduate students may use existing tutorial labs and services, which are available through the TRIO Program in the areas of English and mathematics.)
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Special equipment (voice/tape recorders)
  • Adapted testing (required when students with disabilities need special equipment, readers, writers, proctors, additional time, etc. to take quizzes, exams, and placement tests.)

Requests for academic accommodations are made by contacting the Disability Support Services office. All students with disabilities must submit appropriate educational, medical, and psychological documentation to substantiate their need for services. Request for academic accommodations should be done at least four weeks before classes begin. Confidentiality is maintained.

Students are also advised to visit the EEO/ADA & Title IX Office to pick up a copy of the “Policy for Equal Employment and Non-Discrimination/Non-Harassment” and “Policy and Procedure for Students and Applicants with a Disability Handbook.” 

Low-Income and First-Generation Student Support Services

TRIO Student Support Services

Location: Calvo Field House, 2nd Floor
Director: Chrislynn Takawo

Tel: (671) 735-2258

Email: takawoc@triton.uog.edu 


Student Support Services is a 100% federally funded program that provides free academic services to eligible University of Guam students. These services are designed to assist low-income, first-generation college students, and/ or students with disabilities in completing their bachelor’s degrees.

Services available include:

  • academic assistance in math and English;
  • advice and assistance in course selection;
  • assistance in completing the FAFSA; career exploration activities;
  • information on financial aid programs and benefits;
  • guidance on financial and economic literacy, including financial planning;
  • information on graduate and professional programs;
  • Summer Bridge Program; and
  • study skills workshops.

Tutoring Services

Tutoring programs for math and writing are available for all UOG students through their respective colleges.

Mathematics Tutor Lab
Location: Agriculture & Life Sciences Building, Room 230
Tel: (671) 735-2064

Email: mathtutorlab@triton.uog.edu 

Website: uogmathlab.org  

The Mathematics Tutor Lab offers tutoring in specific mathematics courses by appointment and for other math classes on a walk-in basis. A study hall is also available for students to complete their assignments. Students may receive up to 60 minutes of tutoring per day.

DEAL Writing Center
Location: English & Communication Building, Room 204

Email: writingcenter@triton.uog.edu 

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/dealwritingcenter/home 

The DEAL Writing Center offers peer tutoring on writing assignments, an independent study area, and English textbooks for use. The services are free to students on a walk-in or appointment basis.

Veteran Student Support Services

Veteran Student Services Office
Location: Calvo Field House, 1st Floor, Fitness Room 1

Tel: (671) 735-3342

Email: vets.resourcecenter@triton.uog.edu

Website: Click here

The Veteran Student Services Office provides a campus-wide effort to ensure student-veterans, service members, and their dependents access the best campus services with transition in mind. Staffed, in part, by full-time veteran students, the office offers connections to the following veteran-specific services:

  • Academic support
  • Counseling
  • Career planning assistance
  • Transition assistance
  • Accommodations for disability
  • Social community

Career Development and Employment Opportunities

Career Development Office / Triton Career Connections

Program Coordinator/Career Coach: Sallie L.T. McDonald
: School of Education, Room 119B
Tel: (671) 735-2233
Email: career.development@triton.uog.edu

Website: careerconnect.uog.edu

The Career Development Office is open to all UOG students and alumni and offers assistance in internship opportunities, referrals for job placement, and career counseling and advisement in finding suitable positions within their career choices. The office is committed to help guide the students and alumni in developing self-direction and personal responsibility in the career decision-making and job search process; to network with a variety of employers for available job opportunities in their organizations; and to maximize students’ exposure to the employers through the annual Fanuchånan Employer On-Campus Recruitment and the annual Fañomnåkan Job Fair events.

Other services, like providing class presentations on career exploration, outreach career presentations on and off campus, and workshops on topics including mock interviews, resume writing, application processing, and dressing for success are conducted throughout the year. Personal conferences may be arranged to review student and alumni goals, plans, qualifications, career assessments, educational requirements, and other matters of concern.

Student Employment

Federal Work-Study Program

Financial Aid Office
Stephanie Francisco (nsorak@triton.uog.edu),
Theresa Quintanilla (quintanillat@triton.uog.edu)
Tel: (671) 735-2287/8

Email: finaid@triton.uog.edu

Website: www.uog.edu/financial-aid

Federal work-study provides part-time jobs for full-time and part-time undergraduate and graduate students with financial need allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to the student’s course of study. Students will earn at least the current federal minimum wage but may earn more depending on the type of work and the skills required for the position. 

Federal work-study is applied for through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and a subsequent Federal Work-Study online application (see link on the Financial Aid home page) that opens every first Friday of August.

Eligible students for federal work-study must:

  • Be a continuing or transfer UOG student 
  • Be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits) as an undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate student in a degree program
  • Complete the FAFSA on or before May 15
  • Have a valid SAR/ISIR electronically filed with the University of Guam via the U.S. Department of Education and have completed the verification process if flagged by the U.S. Department of Education
  • Be making Satisfactory Academic Progress with Financial Aid Office
  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Have a valid U.S. Social Security number
  • Sign up online at www.uog.edu/financial-aid on the first Friday of August
Teaching Assistantships

Human Resources Office
Tel: (671) 735-2350

Email: uoghro@triton.uog.edu

Website: Click here

Undergraduate teaching assistants provide administrative support for quiz, discussion, or laboratory sections and serve as class assistants. Faculty or other academic personnel provide appropriate guidance and feedback, particularly in cases where undergraduate teaching assistants are filling new roles and engaging in activities that are new to them. Undergraduate teaching assistants do not perform teaching duties. 

Graduate-level teaching assistants lead quiz, discussion, or laboratory sections, serve as class assistants, or provide supervised teaching. Faculty or other academic personnel provide appropriate guidance and feedback, particularly in cases where teaching assistants are filling new roles and engaging in activities that are new to them. A graduate teaching assistant is usually a pre-master's or graduate student.

Students may view and apply for available teaching assistantships on the Human Resources Office webpage and the RCUOG webpage

Research, Extension, and Grant Support Assistantships

Research Corporation of the University of Guam

Tel: (671) 735-0336

Email: rcuoghr@triton.uog.edu 

Website: www.uog.edu/rcuog/job-announcements 

Jobs as research, extension, or grant support assistants are regularly available for both undergraduate and graduate students through the Research Corporation of the University of Guam. Student employees of the RCUOG are assigned to University units to deliver grant or externally funded objectives. The positions pay hourly with rates dependent upon the student's level of education and experience. These employees work 39 hours or less per week. Students who work 20 hours or more per week may be eligible for medical and dental insurance depending on availability of funding. Students may view and apply for available RCUOG assistantships on the RCUOG webpage

Graduate Teaching Opportunities

Graduate teaching instructor positions offer qualified graduate students valuable, hands-on university teacher training and experience that will benefit them in their future career goals. Instructor opportunities are possible in the English, Biology, and Mathematics programs. Interested graduate students should inquire with the relevant department chair.

Employment Discrimination Prevention 

Equal Employment Opportunity/Americans with Disabilities Act/Title IX Office

Interim Director: Elaine Faculo-Gogue

Location: Dorm 2/Iya Hami Hall, Room 106
Tel: (671) 735-2244 | TDD: (671) 735-2243
Email: eeo-ada@triton.uog.edu 
Website: Click here

Students working on campus can be assured of a work environment free of discrimination and harassment on the basis of any status protected by law, to include sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, citizenship status, and national origin. Administrators, directors, managers, and supervisors must inform employees of the policies prohibiting discrimination and harassment, emphasize the policy of zero tolerance, and deal promptly with any problem situations. Each of us is expected to maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, and conduct. Discrimination and harassment violate these standards.

Sexual harassment is a specific form of prohibited harassment and complaints involve sensitive and complex issues. A prompt and effective inquiry into allegations is critical -- not only to avoid liability and prevent future harassing behavior, but also to lay the groundwork for successful resolution. 

Health, Wellness, and Safety

Campus Security Escort Service

G4S Campus Security
Tel: (671) 888-2456 or (671) 735-2365

The UOG Campus Security Escort Service provides free walking accompaniment from one campus location to another, including to vehicles parked on campus, for all UOG students, employees, and visitors who may feel unsafe walking alone on campus at night. This service is available from dusk to dawn, seven days a week, 365 days per year. 

Psychological Counseling

Student Counseling & Wellness Center
Student Behavioral Counseling Supervisor/Wellness Coordinator: Venus Leah P. Ituralde, MSCP, M.Ed., LPC

Location: HSS 103
Tel: (671) 735-2890 (WhatsApp)
Appointments/Email: wellness@triton.uog.edu  

The Student Counseling & Wellness Center offers psychological counseling to all registered students who may be undergoing personal difficulties or learning problems that interfere with their daily functioning. Individual counseling is offered to assist students in resolving issues that cause emotional distress. Confidentiality is strictly maintained.

For a list of mental and behavioral providers in the community, please click the link below.

Mental and Behavioral Providers List

The Wellness Center holds wellness activities every month in conjunction with the Student Health Services.

I Pinangon Campus Suicide Prevention Program
Director: Rita Sharma, Ph.D.

Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Room 212

Tel: (671) 735-2888
Email: ipinangon@triton.uog.edu

I Pinangon supports and works in alignment with the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention and provides a sustainable on-campus network of student services to identify, assess, treat, and/or refer mental health and behavioral problems. The program serves as a resource for students, their families, and UOG faculty and staff.
Informational materials available include suicide prevention pamphlets, brochures for individuals and families, wellness guides, community resource directories, and a comprehensive website.
I Pinangon also provides classroom presentations, training, and educational seminars for the University community.

Violence Against Women Prevention Program
Location: Humanities & Social Sciences Building, Room 212

Tel: (671) 735-2888

Email: vawpp@triton.uog.edu

The Violence Against Women Prevention Program is a resource and victim services center working to prevent violent crimes against women, particularly domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

The program's services are confidential and are available for University of Guam students, staff, faculty, and members of their families.

The VAWPP provides:

  • Crisis intervention
  • Victim advocacy/counseling
  • Education and training
  • Risk assessment and safety planning
  • Advisement on legal options
  • Referrals to resources and other services
  • Community outreach

Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response

Equal Employment Opportunity/Americans with Disabilities Act/Title IX Office 
Interim Director
: Elaine Faculo-Gogue
: Dorm 2/Iya Hami Hall, Room 106
Tel: (671) 735-2244 | TDD: (671) 735-2243 | Helpline: (671) 735-HELP
Email: eeo-ada@triton.uog.edu 
Website: Click here

If you have been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted or are a victim of dating or domestic violence, gender-based harassment, bullying, or stalking and need help, please contact the EEO/ADA/Title IX office. Even if you are unsure of what to do, call the UOG Helpline at (671) 735-HELP (4357), and you will be connected with somebody who will assist you.

The EEO/ADA/Title IX office also stands ready to assist anyone who wishes to file a formal complaint through UOG and/or local law enforcement. The Policy Prohibiting Sexual Discrimination addresses the university's policy on sexual misconduct can be accessed here.

Student Health Services

Location: School of Education, Room 119D
Tel: (671) 735-2225/6 | Fax: (671) 734-4651
Email: uogstudenthealth@triton.uog.edu 
Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday

Website: Click here

Student Health Services is committed to providing high-quality, accessible health services that meet the needs of the University of Guam’s diverse student population. These health services are confidential and responsive to promoting optimal wellness, empowering students to make informed, self-directed, and healthy life decisions to ultimately assist them in achieving their academic and career goals.

Student Health Services provides the following services:

  • Basic First Aid for injuries that occur during regular school hours
  • Referrals for health care needs
  • Counseling on healthy living and health-related issues
  • Health education based on assessments needs of the university’s student population
  • STI, Syphilis, and HIV testing and treatment in partnership with the STD/HIV Program of the Bureau of Communicable Disease Control, Department of Public Health & Social Services
  • Health screenings, such as blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and blood sugar monitoring, & BMI and weight checks
  • Advocacy and referrals for persons with disabilities.

The Student Health Services office also provides health clearances for University enrollment, pursuant to Public Law 22-130, Title 10, of the Guam Code Annotated.

Health Requirements for All Students

All UOG applicants must present:

    • Evidence of having been immunized against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (either MMR#1 and MMR#2 immunization OR a MMR Titer proving immunity). Students born on or before 1957 are exempted from this MMR health requirement.
    • Results of a Tuberculin (TB)/Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) skin test taken no earlier than six months from the date of application. Positive TB/PPD skin test results require the following additional health documentation and clearances:
      • Tuberculosis (TB) Evaluation Form with an attached chest X-ray report, to be completed by your health care provider.
      • Certificate of Tuberculosis Evaluation. This is obtained by presenting the Tuberculosis (TB) Evaluation Form and chest X-ray report to the Department of Public Health & Social Services' TB Control Program Office located at the Northern Region Community Health Center in Dededo.
    • New and re-entry applicants must complete a Health Clearance Form and submit it to the Student Health Services office.
Health Requirements for International Students

Most medical care services in the United States are extremely expensive. To protect our international (I-20) students from these high costs, the University requires all full-time international students to have health insurance by providing proof of coverage that is valid on Guam. You may contact the University Designated School Official at the Office of Admissions & Records for more information at (671) 735-2201.

Health Requirements for Exchange Students

The University strongly recommends all full-time exchange students have health insurance coverage valid in Guam.

Triton Fitness Center

Location: Calvo Field House
Tel: (671) 735-2862
Email: palmerd@triton.uog.edu 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/uogrecreationandwellness 

Website: www.uog.edu/athletics/triton-fitness-center 

The Triton Fitness Center is open on weekdays for students to utilize free of charge and for faculty and staff and other community members to use for specified daily, yearly, or per semester rates. The center features a fully renovated weightroom, two fitness rooms with cardio and weight-lifting machines, and updated locker rooms with personal showers. The center also hosts a variety of fitness classes throughout the week, including yoga and Zumba. Follow the Triton Recreation & Wellness Program on Facebook or visit the Triton Fitness Center webpage for the latest information on hours and classes.

Student Experiences and Extracurricular Opportunities

AmeriCorps UOG Volunteer Center

Program Director: Charlene B. Masiwemai
Tel: (671) 735-2231 / (671) 489-3389
Email: americorpsuog@triton.uog.edu or bitlaolc3473@triton.uog.edu 

Website: url.uog.edu/americorps

AmeriCorps UOG Volunteer Center is part of a network of national service programs funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service, sub granted by the Serve Guam Commission. The program uses a different approach to improving lives and fostering civic engagement, and members commit their time to address critical community needs.

AmeriCorps UOG offers services for high school and college students who aspire to do better academically and services to help high school graduates apply to a college and gain the skills required to do well in a post-secondary education setting. In addition, AmeriCorps members are stewards of the environment through outreach in the community in areas of environmental stewardship and disaster preparedness.

Students can get involved by contacting the AmeriCorps office and becoming a part of the community volunteer registry. By becoming a part of this registry, students will be notified as volunteer opportunities become available.

Army ROTC Program

Recruitment Operations Officer: John W. Howerton
Tel: (671) 735-2541 / (671) 858-ROTC (7682)
Email: jhowerton@triton.uog.edu 

Website: Click here

Students can position themselves for rewarding careers as Army officers by supplementing any major with a minor in Military Science and becoming part of the UOG Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program. Approximately 110 students at UOG are also ROTC cadets, and another 400+ are presently serving in the Army.

The UOG ROTC program is highly active locally, regionally, and nationally. Cadets benefit from a range of leadership-building experiences, including shadowing military exercises, competing in national challenges, and training junior cadets in the region. They are also eligible for a number of scholarship opportunities.

National Student Exchange

Program Coordinator: Desiree Aguon
Tel: (671) 735-2214

Students may opt to study away and experience new places, ideas, and cultures through the National Student Exchange. The National Student Exchange provides a unique and exciting opportunity for study over the course of a semester, a summer, or an academic year at one or more of nearly 200 institutions in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Students go on exchanges for many reasons, including:

  • Taking courses not available on their home campuses
  • Enhancing personal growth and independence
  • Spending time in a different region
  • Immersing themselves in diverse cultural settings
  • Engaging in research

International Student Exchange

Outreach Coordinator: Luigi Bansil
Tel: (671) 735-2607

Students have an opportunity to study at approximately 80 institutions in Japan and Korea that have international student exchange agreements with UOG. Approximately 25 of those institutions offer courses in English. An articulation of courses needs to be completed by the student's adviser to ensure the course credits transfers back to UOG, or students may opt to take courses not for credit.

The application period for International Student Exchange takes place in both the fanuchånan and fañomnåkan semesters through the UOG Global Learning & Engagement office. Students must submit a statement of interest and a nomination letter from a faculty member. Upon review and approval by the Overseas Exchange Committee, students may select the institution they would like to attend.

Residence Halls

Director: Mark Mendiola

Location: See Campus Map
Tel: (671) 735-2260/1 | Fax: (671) 734-2262
Email: rho@triton.uog.edu 
Website: uog.edu/life-at-uog/residence-halls/life-in-the-halls 

Living on campus contributes to the intellectual, social, and emotional well-being of the students who compose the residential community. The Residence Halls Office is responsible for providing student housing and promoting residence life programs. Student residents live conveniently near University resources, and they form a community that encourages academic excellence and is engaged with co-curricular programs, healthy recreational activities, and entertainment.


The University of Guam has three co-ed residence halls (dormitories) on campus, which accommodate up to 191 student residents in double-occupancy rooms and single private rooms. Dorm 1 residences are located on the first floor of the building with two wings and a total of two corridors, while Dorms 2 and 3 are two-story buildings with two wings, for a total of four corridors per hall dorm. Each corridor has 12 rooms and one or two shared bathrooms. Two students generally share residential rooms, though single rooms may be obtained for a premium when space is available.

All rooms are air-conditioned and furnished with a bed, a desk and chair, and a closet or wardrobe with a chest of drawers for each resident. The residents share one kitchen, a study hall, a TV lounge, and a laundry room. Additionally, the cafeteria that serves the mandatory meal plan is located in Dorm 3.

The Residence Halls are staffed by student Resident Assistants (RAs). The RAs coordinate many educational workshops, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, competitions, and events, such as movie nights, game days, and much more. The Residence Halls Governing Council is a student-resident organization that also supplements the residents' activities. 

Volleyball and basketball courts for residents' use are located behind Dorm 1 and Dorm 2. Additionally, residents may use the weight room, exercise room, and indoor courts in the Calvo Field House.

Applying for Residence Halls

Residence Hall applications are available at www.uog.edu/life-at-uog/residence-halls/rho-applyA $100 reservation/security deposit is required at the time of the initial application. Payment options are available online, over the phone, or in person at the Bursar's Office. However, if a student’s application is placed on the waiting list, the security deposit is returned to the student and will be required upon availability of a room in which the student is interested. Rooms are reserved with deposits on a first-come, first-served basis in accordance to the application schedule for continuing/returning, new, and all applicants. Students who make reservations and are not on the waiting list but cancel their application will receive a $50 refund from their deposits ONLY when they provide the Residence Halls Office with a written cancellation before the first day of the contract period. After that date, the entire deposit is forfeited. A reservation will be automatically canceled if a student fails to arrive at the Residence Halls at the beginning of the contract period, unless a prior written confirmation of the reservation, which specifies the date of arrival, is received by the Residence Halls Office before the first day of the contract period.

To receive a housing application or additional information regarding the Residence Halls, visit www.uog.edu/life-at-uog/residence-halls/. Prospective residents are welcome to visit the Residence Halls from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call to schedule a visit.

Student Life

Student Life Office

Coordinator: Evander De Guzman

Location: School of Education, Room 119A
Tel: (671) 735-0246
Email: studentlife@triton.uog.edu 

The Student Life Office coordinates extracurricular programs and activities in order to provide a positive and interactive social and learning environment for students and to promote development. The SLO also provides assistance for academic and disciplinary problems and complaints.

Student Organizations

Students have the opportunity to participate in more than 50 organizations under the Student Life Office and are encouraged to get involved. A list of student organizations may be found on the Triton Career Connections website.

Students with a common interest or purpose who seek to form an organization and use the University’s name, resources, or facilities must register the organization with the Student Life Office and must have a faculty advisor. Recognized organizations may request Student Government Association financial aid and assistance for their activities. However, neither the University nor the SGA is obligated to provide facilities, supplies, or financial assistance to any campus organization. Necessary forms to petition for University recognition may be obtained from the Student Life Office.

Student Government Association

Location: Student Center
Tel: (671) 735-2222
Email: uog.sga@triton.uog.edu

Website: www.uog.edu/student-services/student-government/ 

The Student Government Association of the University of Guam is the official name adopted by the organization representing the students of UOG. All students who have paid the student activity fee are regular members of the association. The SGA is governed by student officers and senators within the framework of its constitution and by-laws. Officers and senators are elected annually by the student body and are responsible for administering the affairs of the association. The association is responsible for most student body activities and shares with the administration a concern for the morale, welfare, and development of all students. Through shared representation on academic, community, and student grievance committees the rights and responsibilities of students are protected by the association.

Triton Athletics and Triton Recreation & Wellness

Athletics Director: Doug Palmer
Email: palmerd@triton.uog.edu

Facebook: @UOGTritonAthletics

Athletics website: www.uog.edu/athletics/ 
Recreation website: www.uog.edu/athletics/recreation-wellness 

Students can try out to play competitively on five varsity Triton Athletics teams: men's or women's basketball, men's or women's soccer, men's baseball, women's volleyball, and women's rugby. Students can also play recreationally on a variety of club teams or intramural sports through the Triton Recreation & Wellness Program.

Participating in athletics is a rewarding experience for students, not only for health and wellness and future opportunities as an athlete or coach, but in developing leadership experience and a team player mindset and in building Triton pride on campus and in the community. Scholarships are also available for student-athletes.

Watch for tryout announcements and recreation opportunities under News & Announcements on the UOG website and on the Triton Athletics on Facebook page.

Triton's Call Student Newspaper

Publisher: Manuel L. Cruz, Ph.D.

Location: English & Communications Building, 2nd Floor
Email: tritonscalluog@gmail.com

Website: Click here

Triton’s Call is the University of Guam's student-run newspaper that has been providing news and information for the campus community since 1965. Students contributing to Triton’s Call — students from the Communication & Media Program as well as students who want to take part as volunteers or guest contributors — gain experience in multimedia journalism and content creation under the guidance of faculty advisers. 


The Enrollment Management & Student Success division is committed to student support. Significant human growth and student development take place not only in the traditional classroom setting, but also in the Residence Halls, Student Center, and through involvement in campus co-curricular activities. The services listed above, in addition to the Financial Aid Office and the Office of Admissions & Records, fall under the direction of the dean of Enrollment Management & Student Success:

Rojas  A.  Gena

location Office Location:
Mailing Address:
