Master of Public Administration
The School of Business and Public Administration offers a master’s degree in Public Administration. The Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree is an interdisciplinary program that provides students with a high caliber professional education in public administration and prepares aspirants for careers in public service at the territorial, regional, federal, and international levels. This professional degree, while flexible enough to apply in the private sector, gives graduates a competitive advantage in the pursuit of specific careers in government agencies, nonprofit, or philanthropic institutions. The program offers valuable opportunities for individuals to enhance and improve critical public administration skills, learn new concepts and theories of public administration and management, and explore the most current and relevant techniques regarding the implementation of policies, projects, and programs within the organization and in society. The University of Guam’s Master of Public Administration is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) through Aug. 31, 2029.
The following will serve as the seven domains of the MPA Core Competencies. These domains relate to mission, public service values and functions as the basis for the program’s curriculum. Upon completing the requirements of the MPA degree, students will demonstrate the following abilities:
Demonstrate an advanced understanding of leading and managing in public governance;
Demonstrate an ability to relevantly apply a real-world understanding, participate in, and contribute to the policy process;
Demonstrate a practical competency to analyze, synthesize, think critically, quantitatively/ qualitatively reason, solve problems and make decisions;
Demonstrate an advanced proficiency to articulate and apply a public service perspective grounded in professional, ethical and socially responsible behavior;
Demonstrate a dynamic ability to be innovative, to communicate, and interact productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry;
Demonstrate an advanced proficiency in utilizing technology toward the betterment and advancement of the profession; and
Demonstrate a comprehensive mindset that fosters an advanced understanding and appreciation of territorial, regional, federal, and international environments, with consideration of indigenous and global impact perspectives, and their relation to Public Administration.
The following public service values are fundamental ideals and principles of the MPA program that are shared by its faculty, students, and stakeholders alike. The program’s mission, governance, and curriculum are structured to uphold the following public service values, which distinguishes this program from other degree programs:
Professionals Committed to Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics: Our mission will be met by competent professionals, committed to pursuing the public interest with accountability, transparency, and the highest standard of ethical consideration.
Public Servants Worthy of Public Trust: As Public Servants, with every thought, word, and deed, we must strive every day, and at every instance, to prove ourselves worthy of the public’s trust. We must be humble and consider ourselves privileged to be charged with the welfare of others.
Keepers of Respect, Equity, and Fairness Rooted in the Principles of Democracy: The Principles of Democracy must be at the heart of everything we do. We must also always strive to demonstrate respect, equity, and fairness in dealing with all people and fellow public servants. Further, it should be our pledge to be guided by Constitutional principles of the United States, the Organic Act of Guam, and be exemplars of law-abiding citizens in our respective roles within public service.
In order to apply for admission to the Master of Public Administration (MPA) Program, applicant packets must include:
Satisfaction of Graduate Admission Standards, according to the current UOG Graduate Bulletin;
Earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university (a prospective candidate for the MPA program may hold a bachelor’s degree in any field. It is not necessary that the bachelor’s degree be in public administration.);
Official transcripts of all undergraduate work;
An overall grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (on a 4-point scale) in the last two years (62hrs.)
Completion of Common Professional Component (CPC) – Based Comprehensive Exam for Master’s Degree Programs in Public Administration (administration can be requested through the SBPA Dean’s Office);
Two letters of recommendation;
Statement of intent. The statement of intent should include, at the least, why the prospective candidate is choosing to pursue an MPA degree, what the applicant intends to do with the degree, and other pertinent information;
After completion of Steps 1-8, applicants must schedule an interview with MPA Chair;
Essay/Writing Sample (to be administered on the spot during the interview with MPA Program Chair).
Any courses which are seven years old or more must be retaken unless, permission is granted by the MPA Admissions and Appeals Committee.
Any courses in which a student receives a C+ or below must be retaken, unless permission is granted by the MPA Admissions and Appeals Committee.
Students may not receive more than one grade of a C+ or below. A second grade of a C+ or below, regardless of GPA, will result in automatic academic suspension. A review of the student by the MPA Admissions and Appeals Committee will commence. Upon review, the student may serve a suspension or be dismissed from the program.
Students who receive a grade of an F will result in automatic academic suspension. A review of the student by the MPA Admissions and Appeals Committee will commence. Upon review, the student may serve a suspension or be dismissed from the program.
Students must complete all seven core courses to satisfy the core requirements:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
PA501 | APPLIED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY + Concentrated study of research methodology, including planning, organizing and executing
research projects; techniques of gathering data; use of library facilities and other
sources of information; analysis and interpretation of data; the art and strategy
of presenting oral and written findings. *This course must be taken within a student's
first 12 credits in the MPA program.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA510 | ADMINISTRATIVE THOUGHT + This course offers an overview of classic and contemporary theories of public administration
and bureaucracy. The role and process of American public administration are studies
in the social and political context of legislatures, executives, legal and judicial
structures, and in relationship to political parties and clientele groups. The modern
administrative state and its illustrations of democratic theory and practice, are
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
PA525 | PUBLIC BUDGETING + Budgetary practices of federal, state, territorial, and local governments. The budget
cycle, budget preparation, and execution. Includes techniques such as PPB (Planning,
Programming, Budgeting) in the Federal government and zero-base in GovGuam budgeting.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
PA530 | PUBLIC PERSONNEL, DISCIPLINARY, AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT + The study of government organization management practices and problems; the general
effectiveness of major agencies including their relationships with U.S., local legislative
bodies, clientele and other governmental units and public bodies. This course establishes
the broad parameters of what constitutes the major roles, responsibilities and activities
of public managers. This course is particularly suited for students with limited background
in public management. Stress is placed on the development of analytical techniques
that are useful in the identification and resolution of commonly occurring problems
in public management.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
PA535 | INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS + Study of the dynamics of relations among governmental units, including the movement
towards regionalization and councils of government. Study of the impact of "new federalism"
concepts and revenue sharing upon states, territories and of local issues and problems.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
PA540 | ADMINISTRATIVE LAW + Study of administrative law, including issues of separation of powers; regulatory
commissions; processes of administrative adjudication; and judicial review.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
PA560 | LEADERSHIP AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF ORGANIZATIONS + An examination of the meaning of business ethics and its significance in business
decision making. By thoughtful analysis of the moral issues raised by business practices,
graduate students will raise their comprehension of the moral decisions of business.
Students will apply ethical theories and concepts to social issues. In addition, students
will gain practice during examinations and interpretations of positions taken by various
stakeholder groups affected by business and vice-versa.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
NOTE: PA-501 must be taken within the first 12 credits.
Students may choose any of the following courses to satisfy the elective requirements:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
PA545A | PUBLIC POLICY AND GOVERNANCE + This course will examine the governmental process in the formulation of policy, the
framework and organization of administrative agencies in the regulation and supervision
of policy, and the nature of the 'public interest' and the interrelationship of interests
affecting governmental policy toward business enterprise. This course will also address
communication skills in a collaborative setting and build the capacity to lead in
the development and deployment of public policy initiatives and the changes in the
public policy sector.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA545B | PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS + This course will explore advanced organization and management theory including organization,
systems design and analysis, decision theory, power, politics, and authority from
the vantage point of how governments are partnering with for-profit and non-profits
to redefine the traditional methods of public administration in a multi-stakeholder,
solution oriented value proposition.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA545C | COMPARATIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION + Administrative structures and processes of industrialized and developing areas of
the world. Distribution of government services in the various bureaucratic organizations.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA545D | PUBLIC PLANNING + This course deals with methods of social, economic, and physical planning. The concept
of planning is approached from the theoretical, methodological and philosophical perspectives.
It focuses on problem analysis to the final stages of program implementation and evaluation.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA545E | PUBLIC CONTRACTING AND PROCUREMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES + An examination of the legal and regulatory framework governing public contracting
within the dimensions of past and present national and local objectives. A particular
emphasis is placed on its contribution to government efficiency and effectiveness.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA570A | SPECIAL TOPICS IN PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - POLICY + a) Policy: Current problems and issues in the management of government programs are
explored through: The changing character of public personnel management as affected
by citizen participation and representation, community action groups, minority employment,
diversity, technology, global issues, merit system administration, economics, constitutional
rights, environmental concerns, upward mobility, development crises and problems,
labor-management relations, public interest advocacy, decentralization and devaluation
of administrative activities, and management information systems.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA570B | SPECIAL TOPICS IN PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION- CURRENT RELEVANT ISSUES + b) Current/Relevant Issues: Current problems and issues in the management of government
programs are explored through: The changing character of public personnel management
as affected by citizen participation and representation, community action groups,
minority employment, diversity, technology, global issues, merit system administration,
economics, constitutional rights, environmental concerns, upward mobility, development
crises and problems, labor-management relations, public interest advocacy, decentralization
and devaluation of administrative activities, and management information systems.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA570C | SPECIAL TOPICS IN PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - EMPLOYMENT LAW + c) Employment Law: Current problems and issues in the management of government programs
are explored through: The changing character of public personnel management as affected
by citizen participation and representation, community action groups, minority employment,
diversity, technology, global issues, merit system administration, economics, constitutional
rights, environmental concerns, upward mobility, development crises and problems,
labor-management relations, public interest advocacy, decentralization and devaluation
of administrative activities, and management information systems.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA570D | SPECIAL TOPICS IN PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - ORGANIZATIONS + d) Organizations: Current problems and issues in the management of government programs
are explored through: The changing character of public personnel management as affected
by citizen participation and representation, community action groups, minority employment,
diversity, technology, global issues, merit system administration, economics, constitutional
rights, environmental concerns, upward mobility, development crises and problems,
labor-management relations, public interest advocacy, ecentralization and devaluation
of administrative activities, and management information systems.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA570E | SPECIAL TOPICS IN PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - SYSTEMS + e) Systems: Current problems and issues in the management of government programs are
explored through: The changing character of public personnel management as affected
by citizen participation and representation, community action groups, minority employment,
diversity, technology, global issues, merit system dministration, economics, constitutional
rights, environmental concerns, upward mobility, development crises and problems,
labor-management relations, public interest advocacy, decentralization and devaluation
of administrative activities, and management information systems.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
Required of all pre-service students:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
PA598 | INTERNSHIP: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION + This course provides qualified students with the opportunity to gain experience in
public administration. Students are placed in government agencies and related organizations
and work under the supervision of a management official. Students must consult with
the Internship Coordinator prior to enrolling. This course is required for all pre-service
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
May be taken multiple times only with the expressed written consent of the MPA Chair:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
PA590 | SPECIAL PROJECTS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATI ON + In-depth study relating to a special interest of the student in some aspect of Public
Administration. A formal scholarly paper is required.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/FALL ONLY |
Students must choose one of the following two courses to satisfy the capstone experience requirement:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
PA692 | PRACTICUM + The Capstone course is the culminating experience that incorporates applied research
and real-world application in the field under the guidance of a major professor. The
Capstone will also serve as the MPA Qualifying Exam. This course may only be taken
in the student's graduating semester. Prerequisite: Consent of MPA Chair.
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
PA695 | THESIS + Thesis provides an opportunity for students to complete a scholarly research project
under the supervision of a thesis committee, comprised of a program faculty chairperson
and at least two additional members. Students are required to have their thesis proposal
approved by their committee prior to enrolling in PA695. Prerequisite: Consent of
6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
Either PA-692 Practicum or PA-695 Thesis could serve as a capstone experience. The MPA Qualifying Exam will be distributed as part of the capstone experience and may only be taken in the student’s graduating semester. Instructor’s consent is required for admittance into a Capstone course.
Associate Professor of Public Administration
Ron McNinch is chair of Public Administration and Legal Studies. His primary areas of concentration are public sector employment, research methods, fraud examination, and elections. McNinch’s research interests include administrative and civic behavior as well as aggregate data studies.
In addition to advanced credentials in human resources and fraud examination, McNinch is a specialist in local elections and opinion polling.
In 2009 he was named a “Distinguished Professor of Guam” by the Guam Legislature.
Since 1996, McNinch has served in a number of prominent government roles including:
McNinch has also served as a two-term president of the Guam Chapter of the American Cancer Society and president of two different Rotary Clubs on Guam.
Assistant Professor of Public Administration
Professor of Legal Studies
Guthertz’ focus of research is on public policy and public administration on Guam and in the Western Pacific. She was raised and educated on Guam and has served the University of Guam and the Guam comnunity in various capacities, such as academic vice president, tenured full professor, chair of Public Administraiton and Legal Studies, director of Public Safety, acting chief of police, chair of the Board of Education, and commissioner of the Consolidated Commission on Utilities.
Interim Dean
Professor of Public Administration
Ansito Walter is Associate Professor of Public Administration in the School of Business and Public Administration at the University of Guam. Dr. Walter teaches courses in Public Administration, Policy, Planning & Development, and other public administration-related courses in the university’s Master of Public Administration and Public Administration and Legal Studies program. He serves as graduate faculty member in the University of Guam/University of Alaska’s Joint Doctoral program.
Dr. Walter holds a B.A. from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida, an M.A. and a PhD from United States International University in San Diego, California. He has participated in various regional and community outreach related projects toward helping underserved, economically disadvantaged Micronesians to become productive/contributing members of society. Dr. Walter served on various regional boards and commissions and as two term Governor of the State of Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia.
Dr. Walter is active in educating the underserved Micronesian community about the benefits of education and hard work as key to eradicate extreme poverty and become successful productive/contributing members of the 21st Global economy.