Master of Education: Administration and Supervision
The specialization is designed to prepare professionals to meet the following objectives:
After the completion of this program, graduates find gainful employment as school principals in Guam, U.S. mainland, and international P-12 school settings.
The Master of Education Administration and Supervision follows the National Educational
Leadership Preparation
(NELP) Program Recognition Standards – Building Level, 2018. NELP standards 1-7 represent
the critical content
knowledge and educational leadership skills in seven common core areas required of
beginning educational leaders
in a school building environment. These seven NELP standards serve as the Program
Learning Outcomes (PLO’s)
for the Master of Education Administration and Supervision. In addition to mastery
of the PLO’s, students are
required to complete an internship in school settings that provide sustained opportunities
to synthesize and apply
the knowledge and skills identified in the PLO’s. The NELP standards which serve as
the program’s PLOs are
listed below:
Mission, Vision, and Improvement. Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership
preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current
and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge,
skills, and commitments necessary to collaboratively lead,
design, and implement a school mission, vision, and process for continuous improvement
that reflects a core set of
values and priorities that include data use, technology, equity, diversity, digital
citizenship, and community.
Ethics and Professional Norms. Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership
preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current
and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge,
skills, and commitments necessary to understand and
demonstrate the capacity to advocate for ethical decisions and cultivate and enact
professional norms.
Equity, Inclusiveness, and Cultural Responsiveness. Candidates who successfully complete a building-level
educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity
to promote the current and future
success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge, skills,
and commitments necessary to
develop and maintain a supportive, equitable, culturally responsive, and inclusive
school culture
Learning and Instruction. Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership
preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current
and future success and well-being of each student and adult by applying the knowledge,
skills, and commitments necessary to evaluate, develop,
and implement coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, data systems, supports,
and assessment.
Students who wish to be admitted to this specialization must have:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED601 | INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS + This course introduces students to quantitative and qualitative methods common in
educational research. Students examine and evaluate research methods and design research
3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
ED602 | QUALITATIVE INQUIRY IN EDUCATION + A survey of qualitative research methods common in educational research. This course
discusses the theoretical and methodological tenets underlying qualitative research
and focuses on five specific qualitative methods: history, ethnography, case study,
critical theory, and field study. Prerequisites: ED601, Graduate status and strong
writing skills.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED603 | QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS + This is a foundation course in conducting research that involves the collection, analysis
and presentation of quantitative data. Classification of data, descriptive statistics,
measurement of association, regression analysis and several parametric and nonparametric
inferential statistics are included. Computer software will be relied upon to analyze
and display data. Interpretation and critique of quantitative research is included.
Prerequisites: ED601, Graduate standing; computer experience.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
Graduate level course from any college with the approval of Program Chair is an option for electives. However, students who wish to complete a graduate special project (3 credits) need one more elective course.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED610 | SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND ADMINISTRATION + Introduction of the organization and direction of public and private schools to prospective
administrators and supervisors.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED611 | SCHOOL PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT + Focuses on the responsibilities of administrators in improving the total educational
program through effective administration of all personnel within an educational organization.
Includes study of concerns relative to selection, assignment, development, and retention
of personnel. Prerequisite: Consent of advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED612 | SCHOOL LAW + This course is an overview of school law at the territorial (state) and national levels
as it affects the organization, general policies and practices of public education.
Emphasis is placed on constitutional rights and the related ramifications these pose
for administrators. The context of the Guam scene is emphasized. Prerequisite: Consent
of advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED613 | SCHOOL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT + School business management, budgeting process, salary, scheduling, cost accounting,
and purchasing procedures. Principles and practices of school financing, past, present,
and future, on both national and local levels are considered. Prerequisite: Consent
of advisor.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED698 | INTERNSHIP: + INTERNSHIP IN ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION (3-6 credits) F/SP The practice of administration
and supervision in an educational setting is the goal of the program. Through the
internship, a prospective administrator is exposed to the day to day operations of
a school or educational setting. It is a critical transition prior to full time appointment
in a position. Prerequisite: At least three Administration/Supervision Specialization
Graduate courses and consent of advisor. INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING (3 credits) FA/SP/As
Needed The practice of counseling in an approved closely supervised setting for a
total of 600 hours, at least 240 of which are direct client contact hours as approved
by instructor. Interns meet regularly on campus or on-site with the faculty instructor.
This internship may be taken over one semester for 6 credits or two consecutive semesters.
Prerequisite: ED619, ED620, ED621, ED622, ED623, ED624, ED625, ED677, ED692 and Consent
of Advisor
3 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/AS REQUIRED |
Capstone Portfolio and PRAXIS II with a score approved for licensure on Guam. Current requirements may be found at the Guam Commission for Educator Certification website: (Required for all students).
Note: Two semesters of ED-695 must be completed for a total of six credits.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED695 | THESIS: | 1 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
ED695 | THESIS: | 1 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
ED697 | COMPREHENSIVE EXAM + This course provides an opportunity to document the successful completion of the PRAXIS
II or comprehensive exam. It is a way to ensure that a student?s academic evaluation
accurately reflects the additional requirement for PRAXIS II or comprehensive exam
and does not provide a false indication that the student is ready to graduate.
0 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED690 | SPECIAL PROJECT | 3 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
ED697 | COMPREHENSIVE EXAM + This course provides an opportunity to document the successful completion of the PRAXIS
II or comprehensive exam. It is a way to ensure that a student?s academic evaluation
accurately reflects the additional requirement for PRAXIS II or comprehensive exam
and does not provide a false indication that the student is ready to graduate.
0 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
ED699 | SPECIAL TOPICS + May be repeated in a different topic area. Prerequisite: Graduate Status and instructor's
1 - 3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |