Master of Arts in Teaching
The School of Education offers a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program designed to prepare graduate students as certified elementary or secondary classroom teachers. This program includes theory, pedagogy, research, and an intense practicum and internship. Students may be admitted as a cohort each Fanuchånan semester with applications accepted until Sept. 1.
Meet all University requirements stated under Academic Regulations.
A degree in a field outside of Education and a completed Transcript Analysis Form. For Secondary Education: Fifteen (15) units of coursework (6 of which must be upper division credits) in the content area in which certification is being sought. Content areas include: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Health/ PE, World Language, Business, and Consumer Family Science.
Praxis Core scores of Reading 156, Writing 162, and Math 150. Additionally required: Praxis Subject Assessment scores that meet GCEC score requirements in the specified content area.
Two letters of recommendation that speak to the applicant’s scholarly knowledge in the content area and aptitude to work with youth.
A written statement of accomplishments, interests, and goals relating to teaching.
Admission interview. Entry into the program is contingent on passing this interview with the MAT chair. The MAT Program trains students to work in either the elementary or middle and high school public and private settings. Because participants will teach minors in very sensitive settings, it is crucial that those who are admitted and graduated from this program have integrity and competency.
Maintain a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.00 for all coursework in the program. Graduate courses with grades less than a B require written program faculty and administration approval to continue in the program. Maintain a professional disposition and be aware that this professional disposition will be assessed throughout the program and will have bearing on decisions made regarding eligibility to complete in a successful manner.
Maintain an electronic teaching portfolio aligned with the SOE Conceptual Framework, InTASC, and GTPS standards to be reviewed each semester by the student’s committee. The portfolio will be used as a basis for assessment and advisement throughout the graduate studies experience and will be closely monitored at major decision points such as admission to candidacy, midpoint, and exit.
Praxis, Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) scores which meet Guam Teacher Certification requirements after the completion of 24 credits and at least one semester before graduation. This is the Comprehensive examination for the degree. REQUIRED BEFORE INTERNSHIP.
The Master of Arts in Teaching follows the Interstate Teaching Assessment Support Consortium’s InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards and will be referred to as the InTASC Standards. The standards outline what teachers should know and be able to do to ensure every PK-12 student reaches the goal of being ready to enter college or the workforce in today’s world. This “common core” outlines the principles and foundations of teaching practice that cut across all subject areas and grade levels and that all teachers share. These ten InTASC Standards serve as the Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) for the Master of Arts in Teaching program. In addition to mastery of the PLO's, students are required to complete an internship in a school classroom that provides sustained opportunities to synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills identified in the PLO's. The InTASC Standards which serve as the program's PLO's are listed below:
Learner Development. The teacher candidate understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
Learning Differences. The teacher candidate uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
Learning Environments. The teacher candidate works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Content Knowledge. The teacher candidate understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
Application of Content. The teacher candidate understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
Assessment. The teacher candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
Planning for Instruction. The teacher candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
Instructional Strategies. The teacher candidate understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher candidate engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.
Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher candidate seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Required orientation: Oct. 5, 2024, 9:00 am at the School of Education
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED605 | FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION + This course is designed for perspective secondary teachers as an overview of factors
involved in the educational process and to explore multiple issues that affect teaching
and learning. It familiarizes students with the responsibilities of teachers and the
general operations of a school. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or
MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED683 | CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT + Course is designed to familiarize students with the primary factors affecting the
effective functioning of classrooms and to provide practical knowledge for preventing
and resolving management problems.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED699 | SPECIAL TOPICS + May be repeated in a different topic area. Prerequisite: Graduate Status and instructor's
1 - 3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
Note: ED-699 may be on a weeknight.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED607 | LEARNING THEORIES + This course focuses on adolescent learning in an educational setting. It offers an
analysis of the complex factors involved in cognitive and social development, learner
differences and information processing, motivation to succeed academically, and effective
classroom management and assessment. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification
or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED699 | SPECIAL TOPICS + May be repeated in a different topic area. Prerequisite: Graduate Status and instructor's
1 - 3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
Note: ED-699 may be on a weeknight.
One of the following:
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED616A | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - LANGUAGE ARTS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616B | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - SOCIAL SCIENCE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616C | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS- MATHEMATICS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616D | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - SCIENCE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616E | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - BUSINESS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616F | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - FINE ARTS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616G | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - HOME ECONOMICS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616H | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - HEALTH/PE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616I | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - FOREIGN LANGUAGE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisites: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program or consent of advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616J | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED655 | PHILOSOPHIES AND PRACTICES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION + This course is designed to introduce graduate students to the concept of disability
and to the field of special education. The history, etiology, and characteristics
of specific categories of disability will be examine, as will educational programs
designed to meet the needs of school-aged students with disabilities. Topics germane
to the study of disability and the field of special education, such as inclusion and
impact of disability on families, will also be explored.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED608 | CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT + This course is an introduction to the theory and application of varied assessment
methods used to improve teaching and promote student learning. It examines the use
of traditional assessment practices, as well as alternative methods of classroom assessment.
Various issues including grading, the assessment of students with special needs, and
ethics in assessment is addressed. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification
or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED699 | SPECIAL TOPICS + May be repeated in a different topic area. Prerequisite: Graduate Status and instructor's
1 - 3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
Note: ED-699 may be on a weeknight.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED606 | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT + This course is an introduction to adolescent development. It emphasizes physical development,
emotional growth, mental development, interests, attitudes and social behavior, moral
development, and problems common to the age. It is designed to give the teacher insight
into the issues adolescents encounter in and outside of school. Prerequisite: Admission
into the Certification or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED609 | INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOMS + This teaching methods course emphasizes the psychological and theoretical basis for
using instructional media and technology in education. Students produce various instructional
media and demonstrate the use of the newer technologies such as telecommunications,
assistive technology, computers, and multimedia as educational tools. Prerequisite:
Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED698 | INTERNSHIP: + INTERNSHIP IN ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION (3-6 credits) F/SP The practice of administration
and supervision in an educational setting is the goal of the program. Through the
internship, a prospective administrator is exposed to the day to day operations of
a school or educational setting. It is a critical transition prior to full time appointment
in a position. Prerequisite: At least three Administration/Supervision Specialization
Graduate courses and consent of advisor. INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING (3 credits) FA/SP/As
Needed The practice of counseling in an approved closely supervised setting for a
total of 600 hours, at least 240 of which are direct client contact hours as approved
by instructor. Interns meet regularly on campus or on-site with the faculty instructor.
This internship may be taken over one semester for 6 credits or two consecutive semesters.
Prerequisite: ED619, ED620, ED621, ED622, ED623, ED624, ED625, ED677, ED692 and Consent
of Advisor
3 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/AS REQUIRED |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED617 | ACTION RESEARCH IN SECONDARY SETTINGS + Action research is a collaborative methodology which can be effective in creating
school and community partnerships aimed at collecting and analyzing valid and reliable
information for data-driven decision making. This course defines action research and
reviews the historical and theoretical background of this research method. The student
as teacher-researcher engaging in action research is a main focus. Skill in conducting
the action-research process from planning to write up will be a major goal of the
course. Students will design an action research plan in partnership with a GPSS high
school or other school context and write up the study for possible publication. Students
will be trained in the appropriate use of human subjects research and request IRB
approval or exemption as determined by our Human Subjects Research Board. This is
the capstone artifact for the Professional Certification Master's Degree Program.
Must be enrolled in the MAT Program, or consent of advisor.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
(Provided all requirements are met)
This program is on hold for this academic year but is establishing a list of interested and qualified candidates. We need 12 candidates to start the cohort.
Course schedules are subject to change based on program enrollment.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED605 | FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION + This course is designed for perspective secondary teachers as an overview of factors
involved in the educational process and to explore multiple issues that affect teaching
and learning. It familiarizes students with the responsibilities of teachers and the
general operations of a school. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or
MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED607 | LEARNING THEORIES + This course focuses on adolescent learning in an educational setting. It offers an
analysis of the complex factors involved in cognitive and social development, learner
differences and information processing, motivation to succeed academically, and effective
classroom management and assessment. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification
or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED608 | CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT + This course is an introduction to the theory and application of varied assessment
methods used to improve teaching and promote student learning. It examines the use
of traditional assessment practices, as well as alternative methods of classroom assessment.
Various issues including grading, the assessment of students with special needs, and
ethics in assessment is addressed. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification
or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED655 | PHILOSOPHIES AND PRACTICES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION + This course is designed to introduce graduate students to the concept of disability
and to the field of special education. The history, etiology, and characteristics
of specific categories of disability will be examine, as will educational programs
designed to meet the needs of school-aged students with disabilities. Topics germane
to the study of disability and the field of special education, such as inclusion and
impact of disability on families, will also be explored.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED683 | CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT + Course is designed to familiarize students with the primary factors affecting the
effective functioning of classrooms and to provide practical knowledge for preventing
and resolving management problems.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
Choose between Elementary Education and Secondary Education.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED618 | INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATORS + This course is designed for perspective teachers in elementary education and examines
the research and best practices in the selection, implementation, and evaluation of
instructional strategies. This includes the development of lesson plans and connection
to local and national standards. Students will have opportunities to apply their knowledge
gained in a variety of microteaching and curriculum planning experiences. Prerequisite:
Admission into the Certification or MAT Elementary Education Teaching Program.
2 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED639 | INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES: LITERACY AND SOCIAL STUDIES + This course examines the basic theories, issues, methods, and materials for a developmental
K-5 social studies and language arts program. It emphasizes literacy (including reading,
as well as writing, speaking and listening) as tools for learning both social studies
and language arts with a "literacy across the curriculum" approach. It addresses cultural
diversity in social studies and language instruction, with emphasis on linguistic
diversity. The course includes surveys of strategies to support reading and writing
instruction and study skills across the curriculum, with an understanding of the various
purposes of reading and writing within the subjects of social studies and language
arts. This course will focus on theories of reading instruction, language and literacy
development before school, emergent literacy, and the development of chronological
awareness, phonics, and fluency in children from birth through grade 5. It will also
detail strategies for teaching social studies and language arts through an inter-disciplinary
approach. Prerequisite: Instructors consent.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED648 | INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION + This course will provide perspective teachers in elementary education with the knowledge
and skills to instruct quality physical education and physical activity classes in
the elementary grades. Perspective elementary teachers will learn to provide inclusive,
academically integrated, enjoyable activities that enhance motor development and academic
skills in elementary students.
1 credit hour | AS REQUIRED |
ED659 | INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES FOR ELEMENTARY MATH AND SCIENCE + This course is designed to promote excellence among elementary teacher candidates
in the teaching of math and science using STEAM principles. It covers objectives,
methods, materials and assessments appropriate for elementary learners in science,
technology, engineering, arts and math. It is designed to strengthen candidates' ability
to actively engage diverse learners, provide meaningful activities, and effectively
assess outcomes and to foster pleasure and creatively in exploring and understanding
content through the lens of STEAM.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED606 | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT + This course is an introduction to adolescent development. It emphasizes physical development,
emotional growth, mental development, interests, attitudes and social behavior, moral
development, and problems common to the age. It is designed to give the teacher insight
into the issues adolescents encounter in and outside of school. Prerequisite: Admission
into the Certification or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED609 | INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOMS + This teaching methods course emphasizes the psychological and theoretical basis for
using instructional media and technology in education. Students produce various instructional
media and demonstrate the use of the newer technologies such as telecommunications,
assistive technology, computers, and multimedia as educational tools. Prerequisite:
Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED616A | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - LANGUAGE ARTS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616B | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - SOCIAL SCIENCE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616C | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS- MATHEMATICS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616D | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - SCIENCE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616E | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - BUSINESS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616F | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - FINE ARTS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616G | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - HOME ECONOMICS + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616H | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - HEALTH/PE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616I | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - FOREIGN LANGUAGE + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisites: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program or consent of advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED616J | SECONDARY TEACHING METHODS - INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY + Students registering for this class will register for the specific content area they
seek certification in. Students seeking certification in another content area can
take the class again to be certified in that area of specialty. This course covers
a study of the secondary teaching methods which is field-based in the secondary classroom.
The course is designed to provide the students with a variety of teaching strategies
and skill building techniques in how to effectively bring about the teaching-learning
process in a secondary classroom setting. Each student has the opportunity to apply
their knowledge gained in the content to a variety of micro-teaching and curriculum
planning experiences. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary
Education Teaching Program, or Consent of Advisor.
3 credit hours | SPRING/SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED698 | INTERNSHIP: + INTERNSHIP IN ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION (3-6 credits) F/SP The practice of administration
and supervision in an educational setting is the goal of the program. Through the
internship, a prospective administrator is exposed to the day to day operations of
a school or educational setting. It is a critical transition prior to full time appointment
in a position. Prerequisite: At least three Administration/Supervision Specialization
Graduate courses and consent of advisor. INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING (3 credits) FA/SP/As
Needed The practice of counseling in an approved closely supervised setting for a
total of 600 hours, at least 240 of which are direct client contact hours as approved
by instructor. Interns meet regularly on campus or on-site with the faculty instructor.
This internship may be taken over one semester for 6 credits or two consecutive semesters.
Prerequisite: ED619, ED620, ED621, ED622, ED623, ED624, ED625, ED677, ED692 and Consent
of Advisor
3 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/AS REQUIRED |
ED617 | ACTION RESEARCH IN SECONDARY SETTINGS + Action research is a collaborative methodology which can be effective in creating
school and community partnerships aimed at collecting and analyzing valid and reliable
information for data-driven decision making. This course defines action research and
reviews the historical and theoretical background of this research method. The student
as teacher-researcher engaging in action research is a main focus. Skill in conducting
the action-research process from planning to write up will be a major goal of the
course. Students will design an action research plan in partnership with a GPSS high
school or other school context and write up the study for possible publication. Students
will be trained in the appropriate use of human subjects research and request IRB
approval or exemption as determined by our Human Subjects Research Board. This is
the capstone artifact for the Professional Certification Master's Degree Program.
Must be enrolled in the MAT Program, or consent of advisor.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED699 | SPECIAL TOPICS + May be repeated in a different topic area. Prerequisite: Graduate Status and instructor's
1 - 3 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/ALL YEARS |
The School of Education offers a Certificate in Teaching designed to prepare graduate students as certified elementary or secondary classroom teachers. This program includes theory, pedagogy, and an intense practicum and internship. Coursework toward teacher certification is completed in 16 months. The student enrolls at UOG as a Graduate, Non-degree seeking student. The student must be admitted into Graduate School following all university policies and procedures. All coursework must be completed to receive a UOG Endorsement recommendation. Coursework can be applied to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program in accordance with UOG Graduate School rules and regulations. Measured outcomes are the above InTASC standards.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED605 | FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION + This course is designed for perspective secondary teachers as an overview of factors
involved in the educational process and to explore multiple issues that affect teaching
and learning. It familiarizes students with the responsibilities of teachers and the
general operations of a school. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification or
MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED607 | LEARNING THEORIES + This course focuses on adolescent learning in an educational setting. It offers an
analysis of the complex factors involved in cognitive and social development, learner
differences and information processing, motivation to succeed academically, and effective
classroom management and assessment. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification
or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED608 | CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT + This course is an introduction to the theory and application of varied assessment
methods used to improve teaching and promote student learning. It examines the use
of traditional assessment practices, as well as alternative methods of classroom assessment.
Various issues including grading, the assessment of students with special needs, and
ethics in assessment is addressed. Prerequisite: Admission into the Certification
or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SPRING ONLY/ALL YEARS |
ED655 | PHILOSOPHIES AND PRACTICES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION + This course is designed to introduce graduate students to the concept of disability
and to the field of special education. The history, etiology, and characteristics
of specific categories of disability will be examine, as will educational programs
designed to meet the needs of school-aged students with disabilities. Topics germane
to the study of disability and the field of special education, such as inclusion and
impact of disability on families, will also be explored.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED683 | CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT + Course is designed to familiarize students with the primary factors affecting the
effective functioning of classrooms and to provide practical knowledge for preventing
and resolving management problems.
3 credit hours | FALL ONLY/ALL YEARS |
Choose between Elementary Education and Secondary Education.
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED618 | INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES FOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATORS + This course is designed for perspective teachers in elementary education and examines
the research and best practices in the selection, implementation, and evaluation of
instructional strategies. This includes the development of lesson plans and connection
to local and national standards. Students will have opportunities to apply their knowledge
gained in a variety of microteaching and curriculum planning experiences. Prerequisite:
Admission into the Certification or MAT Elementary Education Teaching Program.
2 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED639 | INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES: LITERACY AND SOCIAL STUDIES + This course examines the basic theories, issues, methods, and materials for a developmental
K-5 social studies and language arts program. It emphasizes literacy (including reading,
as well as writing, speaking and listening) as tools for learning both social studies
and language arts with a "literacy across the curriculum" approach. It addresses cultural
diversity in social studies and language instruction, with emphasis on linguistic
diversity. The course includes surveys of strategies to support reading and writing
instruction and study skills across the curriculum, with an understanding of the various
purposes of reading and writing within the subjects of social studies and language
arts. This course will focus on theories of reading instruction, language and literacy
development before school, emergent literacy, and the development of chronological
awareness, phonics, and fluency in children from birth through grade 5. It will also
detail strategies for teaching social studies and language arts through an inter-disciplinary
approach. Prerequisite: Instructors consent.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
ED648 | INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION + This course will provide perspective teachers in elementary education with the knowledge
and skills to instruct quality physical education and physical activity classes in
the elementary grades. Perspective elementary teachers will learn to provide inclusive,
academically integrated, enjoyable activities that enhance motor development and academic
skills in elementary students.
1 credit hour | AS REQUIRED |
ED659 | INTEGRATED METHODOLOGIES FOR ELEMENTARY MATH AND SCIENCE + This course is designed to promote excellence among elementary teacher candidates
in the teaching of math and science using STEAM principles. It covers objectives,
methods, materials and assessments appropriate for elementary learners in science,
technology, engineering, arts and math. It is designed to strengthen candidates' ability
to actively engage diverse learners, provide meaningful activities, and effectively
assess outcomes and to foster pleasure and creatively in exploring and understanding
content through the lens of STEAM.
3 credit hours | AS REQUIRED |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED606 | CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT + This course is an introduction to adolescent development. It emphasizes physical development,
emotional growth, mental development, interests, attitudes and social behavior, moral
development, and problems common to the age. It is designed to give the teacher insight
into the issues adolescents encounter in and outside of school. Prerequisite: Admission
into the Certification or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
ED609 | INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE SECONDARY CLASSROOMS + This teaching methods course emphasizes the psychological and theoretical basis for
using instructional media and technology in education. Students produce various instructional
media and demonstrate the use of the newer technologies such as telecommunications,
assistive technology, computers, and multimedia as educational tools. Prerequisite:
Admission into the Certification or MAT Secondary Education Teaching Program.
3 credit hours | SUMMER/ALL YEARS |
Course |
Course Title |
Credits |
Term Offered |
ED698 | INTERNSHIP: + INTERNSHIP IN ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION (3-6 credits) F/SP The practice of administration
and supervision in an educational setting is the goal of the program. Through the
internship, a prospective administrator is exposed to the day to day operations of
a school or educational setting. It is a critical transition prior to full time appointment
in a position. Prerequisite: At least three Administration/Supervision Specialization
Graduate courses and consent of advisor. INTERNSHIP IN COUNSELING (3 credits) FA/SP/As
Needed The practice of counseling in an approved closely supervised setting for a
total of 600 hours, at least 240 of which are direct client contact hours as approved
by instructor. Interns meet regularly on campus or on-site with the faculty instructor.
This internship may be taken over one semester for 6 credits or two consecutive semesters.
Prerequisite: ED619, ED620, ED621, ED622, ED623, ED624, ED625, ED677, ED692 and Consent
of Advisor
3 - 6 credit hours | FALL/SPRING/AS REQUIRED |